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  3. Free Fortran Compiler For Mac

Code::Blocks is a free, cross platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (www.codeblocks.org). This site is for those, who would like to use Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran. Here you can find a customized (more or less) version of IDE oriented towards Fortran language (pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows are available). Also you can find some useful information about how to use it for programming with Fortran.

IBM XL Fortran v.8.1 IBM XL Fortran 8.1 brings a highly efficient, high-quality IDEs and coding tool. Beta preview of the next addition to family of Fortran Compilers! XL Fortran for Mac OS X is based on the proven performance of XL Fortran for.; Pro Fortran Compiler Suite v.9.0 Pro Fortran Compiler Suite 9.0 is a program which is built for Fortran development on Macintosh. This binary build of gfortran and GCC is an experimental version based on GCC 11, by Iain Sandoe, for Apple Silicon machines. This is an updated version of my previous experimental release. These packages were built with Xcode command-line tools 12.3, and should work with version 12.2 or later.

Note: FortranProject plugin, which makes C::B useful for Fortran, currently is included in an official Code::Blocks distribution for Windows (but not for Linux).



I took part inInternational Fortran Conference 2020 on 2-4 July 2020. There I spoked how Code::Blocks can be used for programming in Fortran. Presentation slides are below:

  • CodeBlocks_Fortran.odp (recommended, with gif animations)
  • CodeBlocks_Fortran.pdf (not recommended because gif animations are not displayed)


A new release v1.7 is out.

In this release Code::Blocks IDE was switched to use v3 of wxWidgets library. Perhaps, the biggest improvement is for users with HiDPI displays: now the used size of icons changes depending on the monitor's DPI.

There is more improvements for Fortran: Call-/Called-By tree now can show dependency between modules; dependency between Fortran files is accounted at a workspace level instead of a project level as it was before; some improvements in a logic used by smart-code-completion.


A new release v1.6 is out. Improvements in this release:

  • Improvements in Debugger plugin:
    1. Improved how arrays are displayed in the Watches window.
    2. Improved how character, complex and dynamic-type variables are displayed in the Watches window. This feature requires GDB with Python support.
    3. Implemented possibility to visualize content of 1D or 2D array as a curve or 2D surface directly from the debugger session. For this purpose Gnuplot external program is used. This feature requires the GDB with Python support and Gnuplot installed on the system. See the screen-shot below.

    More information about debugging in C::B can be found in Debugging Fortran code in the Code::Blocks IDE.

  • Best photo to sketch app for mac. Improvements in 'Call/Called by' tree view: now using the right-click menu is possible to go to the calling line.

  • Improved the logic behind the brace completion: more intelligent, more intuitive.

  • Implemented possibility to add an additional search path for the code-completion items in the project properties dialog. See screen-shot below.

  • Parser now interprets simple preprocessor directives. This should improve the work with code which contains such directives.

  • Added Flang compiler support. Compiler can be downloaded from github.com/flang-compiler.


I have uploaded a new video tutorial on YouTube which demonstrates how to debug Fortran code using C::B:


A new release v1.5 is out.

Downloader For Mac

I would call this release a bug-fixing/feature-polishing release. I would like to say thanks to the users who pointed to the problems in the IDE.

Besides fixed bugs, this release adds possibility to show a Call-tree and a Called-by-tree. This feature should help developers to understand their code more quickly. To show Call-/Called-by-tree right-click on the procedure name in the editor and select 'Show' submenu (see screenshot below).


A new release v1.4 is out. New features in this release:

  • Improved handling of submodules: during compilation the dependency of files containing submodules from their parent modules is taking into accout.
  • Fortran construct highlighting, e.g. if the cursor is placed between 'do', then FP plugin will find corresponding 'end do' statement and highlight it (see image below). This feature should help more quicklly understand the logic of the code.
  • FormatFortranIndent plugin was merged into FortranProject plugin. As earlier, you will find this tool in 'Fortran->Format indent'. There was added some options using which you can adjust indent to your taste. Plase, test this tool. If you feel, you need more options, maybe I could add them. Just write me.
  • Added possibility in editor to fold lines, which contains comments, if comments go through 4 and more lines (see image below). This feature was not yet commited into the official Scintilla text component. If you found errors in the folding of Fortran code, write me. Maybe I could improve it.


I have uploaded three short video tutorials on YouTube, which show how to start using C::B for programming in Fortran.


A new release v1.3 is out. Comparing with an official C::B, CBFortran for Windows includes support for Intel Fortran compiler and FormatFortranIndent plugin and some other smaller changes. The official C::B for Linux doesn't include FortranProject plugin, therefore CBFortran is the only option for Linux users if they what to use C::B in development with Fortran.

New features in this release:

  • A documentation window side-by-side to code-completion list. If your code includes a documentation of some item, it can be showed in this window. FortranProject plugin recognizes the documentation: a) written in Doxygen, b) simple comments, which comes for procedures: above or below procedure declaration, and for variables: after on the same line. Make your code speak! ;-)
  • Tool called Auto Insert, which inserts 'end..' statements automatically when you press “enter” after statements which require such “end”. Some preferences for Auto Insert can be adjusted on FP settings dialog (Settings->Editor->FortranProject). Just do your job and you will see the magic! ;-)
  • The parsing of Gfortran multi-line messages was considerably improved.
  • BindTo tool. Actually, this tool took the most of my efforts. BindTo (Fortran->Bind To…) can automatically generate a wrapping for Fortran code which enables call of Fortran from the C language and can generate Cython files which enables call of Fortran from Python language. Resulting toolchain is something like: “Fortran->Bind(C)->Cython->Python”. Actually, the tool doesn’t do anything you can’t do yourself. It just saves your time. To better understand how to use BindTo, I wrote BindTo Users Guide, which hopefully will answer to most of your questions (other questions I expect to see on CBFortran google group). Please consider the current version of BindTo as “beta” or even “alpha”, especially the part for the generation of Cython files. Your opinion, ideas, suggestions, corrections etc. are very welcome!


Examples how to use MathGL library together with GTK from Fortran were uploaded to MathGL + GTK + Fortran.

More news


  • Editor with Fortran syntax highlighting (fixed and free form).
  • Compilation of Fortran project directly from IDE. FortranProject plugin should care about Fortran file dependencies. Alternatively you can use your supplied makefile.
  • Possibility to jump directly to the code line with an error (currently the support of gfortran, flang, Intel Fortran, Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran and PGI Fortran is implemented).
  • Symbols browser with defined program units (functions, subroutines, modules etc.) in your project.
  • Possibility to jump to code line with subroutine/function definition directly from editor (right click on the name and select 'Jump to: 'name') or from the symbols browser (double click on the name) or using menu 'Search->Jump to declaration'.
  • Program debugging using GNU GDB.
  • Completion of names when you type or when you press Ctrl+Space (you can change the key combinations in Editor's Settings). The support for subroutine/function names, the names of variables, the components of derived types and the type-bound procedures is implemented.
  • Call-tips with subroutine/function argument list. Appears automatically or when you press Ctrl+Shift+Space.
  • Appearance of tooltips when you hold mouse on variable or name of subroutine.
  • Jump to the definition of procedure or the variable from code line where it is mentioned.
  • Possibility to generate a Makefile (Fortran->Genarate Makefile). This feature should generate a working makefile for the active target in simple cases. Or the generated makefile can be used as a draft in more sophisticated projects.
  • and more


Code::Blocks (and FortranProject plugin) is distributed at GPLv3.


Just extract archive in your favored directory. To launch Code::Blocks run codeblocks.exe (on Win) or codeblocks_run.sh (on Linux). If you have another Code::Blocks distribution on your system you may want to start Code::Blocks as a portable app by executing startup script codeblocks_portable.bat (codeblocks_run_portable.sh). Code::Blocks saves all settings in installation directory if you launch program using codeblocks_portable.bat (codeblocks_run_portable.sh). How to setup compiler's installation directory read on Info page.


To be able to compile your Fortran files you should have an installed Fortran compiler (gfortran or another one). Windows users first should install MinGW on their system. I would suggest you to install one from MinGW-W64.

Linux users should have 'gtk2' and 'xterm' installed on their system. Linux versions were tested on several recent distributions.

User manual

You can download the Code::Blocks user manual from www.codeblocks.org/user-manual.



Free Downloads For Mac

The major part, which makes C::B IDE useful for Fortran, is FortranProject plugin. This plugin has a separate project for development onSourceforge.There you can download latest source code directly from svn.


How to contribute to this project:

  • Spread a word about your experience with Code::Blocks.
  • Write tutorial about how to use C::B together with Fortran. Send it to CBFortran forum.
  • Prepare screencast (video tutorial) and upload it to e.g. Youtube. Drop link to CBFortran forum.
  • Suggest features you would like to be implemented into this IDE.
  • Report bugs to CBFortran forum or write directly to me.
  • Write a new plugin for Code::Blocks useful for Fortran developers.
  • Implement a new feature to FortranProject plugin or improve existing one. Send me a patch file.

About me

My name is Darius Markauskas. I develop for this project on my spare time.

Some info about my main job can be found here.

Have questions, suggestions? Found a bug?Write me to: darmar.lt@gmail.com

  • Support for modern Fortran standards as well as legacy Fortran 77
  • Syntax highlighting, autocompletion, bookmarks, and other advanced editing features
  • Integrated debugger for stepping through code and examining variable values
  • Included two-dimensional plotting library for visualizing data
  • Everything in one package - no additional downloads or complicated system changes
  • Works on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and higher
  • Only US $139 to purchase after trial expires!

Free Fortran Compiler For Mac

Simply Fortran is the preferred solution of thousands of developers for authoring and maintaining Fortran. Since 2010, Approximatrix has provided the premier, affordable Fortran environment, including a standards-compliant compiler, an advanced editor, project management, and an integrated debugger. With our 30 day trial, anyone can try out this solution and fully experience the advantages of Simply Fortran!

Instructions for: Registration - Getting Started - Uninstalling